Coronavirus Aces Tennis Seniors

The George W. Hewlett High School Boys’ Varsity Tennis Team had very high hopes coming into this season. With a strong senior class and a lot of returning, talented players, the team had goals of making a deep run for the County Championship. With the season’s cancellation, here are the thoughts from the senior class.

“Throughout high school, I have looked forward to my senior season. Being a part of the tennis team taught me so much on and off the court. Aside from making new friends, being a member of a team taught me that with hard work comes success. When the team put work in, the results showed success. I also learned that failure comes before success. As a senior, I wanted to help lead the team to a championship and due to the coronavirus, I am not able to complete my final year of high school tennis.” - Jacob Bernstein

“I do not think any senior expected to leave Hewlett High School with an undefeated final season. After three amazing years of being on the Hewlett High School Boys’ Varsity Tennis Team, I have learned so much, both on and off the court. This year was our year to be looked up to, our last year to be Bulldogs and our last year to make a difference on [our] team. Due to the unfortunate circumstance, I may never get to be that role model I worked so hard to be for the past three seasons.” - Logan Fliegel

“Being a student athlete is a distinct privilege and honor. I was fortunate enough to be on the Hewlett High School Boys’ Varsity Tennis Team since freshman year. Being on a team means that you are a part of a distinct family in which you will always have each other’s backs through the toughest losses and greatest wins, on and off the court. I am so grateful to have learned a lot from the past three years as a student athlete and I was really looking forward to making this season extra special. Coming in as a senior, I wanted to be a mentor to the younger kids joining the team, and show them what it truly means to be a part of an incredible team. It would have been amazing to share the court with my fellow co-captains, and now best friends, as a result of the tennis team one last time. As much as I wish I could have one more run at bringing home the gold with my team, I am extremely thankful for the past three seasons as a high school athlete and everything that I have learned as a result. Moments like these are the ones that I will always cherish forever.” - Yoni Glattman