
4a. Given proper tools, apply healthy living principles for one-week, in accordance with course concepts

You have made it to the last unit of the course! Now that you have learned the concepts of the course and mastered each objective, here you get to apply the concepts you have learned by keeping a nutrition and fitness journal. Your final assignment is to use Google Fit or any application/website of your choosing to track your health and fitness goals. These are your tools. Be sure to show what you have learned by apply the principles taught in this course to your performance over the next week in your Health report.

Step 1: Create realistic goals. Create one fitness goal and one nutritional goal to follow over the course of a week. For example: To lose 2 pounds, to eat healthy all week, to work out for 1 hour each day, etc, to burn 500 calories each day, etc.

Step 2: Track your progress. Each day report what you are eating/drinking, what physical activity you are engaging in, for how long and calories burned. You are required to refer back to the Fitness Unit to incorporate information from one of the fitness calculators into your final journal report. (BMI calculator, Calories Burned Running Calculator, or the Daily Calories Calculator)

Step 3: Report your results. Report back to the instructor the data from your chosen application in a final report. This report should use Microsoft Word, be single spaced, and use 12 pt font. The following headings must be covered in your report:

  • Overall fitness goal for the week
  • Overall nutritional goal for the week
  • Steps taken to reach each goal (include data from your application for the week, and the data from one fitness calculator)
  • Strengths
  • Weaknesses
  • One thing you learned about yourself
  • Final impression of the course
  • What concepts you can apply to your life

Step 4: Email your report to me at for a final grade and feedback.

Congratulations! You have successfully completed the course

Please take a quick moment to fill out the end-of-course critique. We would love to hear your feedback!

End-of-Course Critique