
2a. Identify basic facts about nutrition

1. View the following video on nutrition. Afterthought: Are the foods you eat considered nutritious foods?

2. Please read the following articles on nutrition:

3. The following handout discusses the food pyramids and how they have changed over the past 30 years.

Nutrition Handout - Food Pyramid

4. After viewing all instructional materials, your activity for this lesson will be an interview. You will choose one person to interview about nutrition. Ask your interviewee the following questions:

1. How many 1/2 cup servings of fruits do you need a day?

2. Why is fiber needed in the human body?

3. What is a calorie?

4. What can be the result of a low intake of omega-3 fats?

5. Is sea salt a healthier option of regular salt?

6. What foods or drinks can provide the body with probiotics?

7. What diet is the best way to lose weight?

8. Which cheese has the least amount of fat?

9. What are monounsaturated fats?

10. Is high fructose corn syrup better or worse than table sugar?

Share with your interviewee some of what you have learned from this course. Debunk a myth or correct a fact they may have missed the mark on.

Afterthought: Does your interviewee know about good nutrition? How did you think your interviewee would do before the interview and how does that compare to after the interview?

5. Complete the Nutrition Test to conclude this unit. Nutrition Test

This concludes your lesson on nutrition