
1a. Identify basic facts about human health

1. Defining health and what it means to be healthy is how we will begin this lesson. Take a moment to think about how you would define the term "health". After thinking about your own definition, follow the link to read an article from Medical News Today: Health: What Does Good Health Really Mean? Afterthought: After reading the article, will you change your definition or will it remain the same?

2. Next, you will view a lesson worksheet on some facts about health. There are millions of facts about health, but here are a few that are important for you to know. Health Handout Afterthought: What facts did you already know? What facts are new to you?

3. View the following video from YouTube titled: Good Question: What Does it Mean to be Healthy? Afterthought: What stood out to you in the video?

4. After viewing all instructional materials, your first activity will be a discussion board post about health. Follow the link to answer and discuss the questions posed about health. A Discussion on Health

5. Complete the following health assessment to show mastery of the objective. Health Test

This concludes your lesson on human health