Food & Nutrition

Websites with resources


Healthy Food & Drink Toolkit

Healthy diets grow strong bodies and contribute to healthy lives. Our students eat much of their kai each weekday in schools. We know that their attendance, attention and behaviour improve in education settings where healthy eating is accepted practice. You can promote a supportive environment by developing a healthy food and drink policy with help from your students, tumuaki, whānau, canteen staff and wider community.

Lunchbox Challenge (3).pdf

LunchBox challenge

Te Reo Lunchbox Challenge (6).pdf

5 + a Day

The interactive website makes it easy for educators to help children learn about healthy eating.

The website is dedicated to its free teaching resources, making them more accessible to educators.

Diabeties FOUNDATION Aotearoa

This Ministry of Health funded programme works to provide curriculum based, practical resources and training for Auckland Secondary Schools.


The Heart Foundation offers a range of free, curriculum-aligned programmes, initiatives and resources to help schools achieve their goals around nutrition and physical activity.

Easy Choice Family Kai.pdf

Easy Choice Kai Recipes

The Easy Choice Kai booklet is full of nutritionally balanced recipes that you can cook with your whanau. The recipes have been carefully designed to be affordable and encourage zero waste.

Learning Progressions Framework

The Ministry of Education has been exploring a model of curriculum design based on learning progressions in health and physical education. One of these, the progression for food and nutrition, has been developed to date as a proof of concept. This development involved subject-matter experts working with schools to clarify the key concepts involved, try out rich learning activities, and collect authentic student work samples that could be used as the basis for the exemplars in the progression.