What is demographic data?
Demographic data helps paint a picture of our community. It provides overview information about the area and some unique characteristics of the county.
Winnebago County
Winnebago County's population reflects what is happening nationwide as 'baby boomers' age. The greatest population change from nearly ten years ago is evident in the 65 years of age and older group, although they comprise only 15% of the total population of the county.
Over half (58%) of the county's population is 44 years or younger, while 27% fall in the 45 to 64 years of age group.
The current population in of Winnebago County is 170,414.
(U.S. Census 2018)Projected Population
Projected population data is useful as it provides information that can be used for policy development, health care planning and the adequate provision of public services, including public health in different geographic areas.
Ten Year Projection
Looking at a ten year projected population change, data available through the Wisconsin Department of Administration Demographic Services Center (DSC) and the University of Wisconsin Madison Applied Population Lab (APL) shows that Winnebago County will see an increase in population from 2015-2025.
Aging Population Projection
The projected population change from 2015 to 2025 for the 65 and older population for Winnebago County will also increase.
Wisconsin's Workforce Development
To find out more about Wisconsin's population changes and its influence on workforce development please see the 2019 Department of Workforce Development's Regional Economic Overview.
Race and Ethnicity in Winnebago County
Winnebago County
According to census data, the racial composition of Winnebago County shows whites are the racial majority in the county with the Latinx population as the largest racial minority, followed by Asian, Black and American Indian.
Winnebago County Schools
Although the race and ethnicity data from schools show the same pattern as the census data, schools tend to be more racially and ethnically diverse than the general population. This data may reflect that in coming years the county's adult population will be more diverse.
The racial ethnic diversity in Winnebago Schools is also evident by the different languages households report speaking at home.
Number of different languages reported spoken at home at the five different school districts in the county:
Oshkosh Area School District:
Public Health receives federal Refugee Medical Assistance funds from the Department of Children and Families (DCF) Refugee Services for services public health provides to refugees.
New refugees in Winnebago County
(WI Dept. of Children & Families 2018)
Birth Rate
Winnebago County
Birth rate data for Winnebago County is similar to birth rates across Wisconsin across races with the exception of American Indian for which birth rates are lower in the county. The birth rate for people identifying as 'other race' is higher in Winnebago County compared to the rest of the state.
Household Income
Winnebago vs. Wisconsin
According to the census, the median household income for Winnebago County in 2017 was $56,678 compared to median income of $59,305 for the state.
Racial Disparities
Income disparities are evident when median income data is broken down by race. This data provides our community an opportunity to dig deeper and explore why this disparity exists.
Geographic Disparities
Median income differences are also apparent by location within the county with Winneconne reporting the highest median income for 2017 and Oshkosh the lowest.
Single Parent Households
Winnebago vs. Wisconsin
The percentage of children that live in a household headed by a single parent in Winnebago County is similar to the percentage in the state.
Of children in Winnebago County live in a house headed by a single parent
(2012-2016 CHR/ACS)32%
Of children in Wisconsin live in a household headed by a single parent
(2012-2016 CHR/ACS)