2024 Costume Week Schedule

How does costume week work?

Where will costume try-on take place?

Try-on will be at Studios A & B of HD Academy (50 S Oak Street).

What is a parent meeting?

In the parent meeting, we will go over all of the information you need to feel prepared for picture day and recital week.  We will answer any questions you have. Dancers will be kept occupied in Studio B by our HD Academy Team during the parent meeting. 

Which parent meeting should I attend?

Please attend one parent meeting either before or after your dancer's costume try-on block.  Pick a meeting time that works best for you.

Are there regular classes?

We will not have regular class to ensure everyone's costume works for them and adults feel prepared for the upcoming events we have at the studio. 

How long do I need to stay?

You may leave after your dancer's costume(s) are tried on and you've attended a parent meeting.