Lead Coach Training

After administering the Staff Needs Assessment and identifying the Lead Coaches in your library system, it's important to get them all on the same page before they are set forth into the land of peer coaching! When we held a five-hour training for eight Harford County lead coaches. When the training was repeated for two surrounding counties, Baltimore and Carroll, it required seven hours for a much larger group - 70 people. The extra time allowed for more small group discussion followed by reporting out to the large group, as well as more question & answer time.

Training Goals

1. Understand media management, media mechanics, and media literacy and how librarians fit into mentoring families around all of them

2. Gain skills in being more approachable to families while meeting their media and tech needs

3. Gain more technological fluency to use new tools that families & children can use to learn about their world

Learning Objectives

Lead coaches will be able to...

Media Definitions

  • define media, media mentorship, media literacy, media management, media mechanics, and technology fluency
  • compare and contrast Media Mentorship and accompanying concepts - media literacy, media management, media mechanics, and technology fluency

The Three C's

  • define the principles of the 3 C’s – content, context, and individual child
  • apply the 3 C’s to their program planning, reference interviews, and collection management to differentiate learning between peer coaches and families
  • apply Faith Rogow’s Pillars of Practice to interactions with families around media

Responding to the Community

  • understand the diverse needs and situations of families in the library’s community
  • modify reference practices to meet individual families where they are
  • identify appropriate times and how to take advantage of unexpected opportunities to add tips for parents around media into programming and reference interviews
  • identify partners in the community (religious organizations, early learning centers, YMCAs) to increase the library’s reach

Mentoring, Feedback, and Self-Reflection

  • develop a personal new media plan to keep up with new technologies, research, and resources for families and young children
  • demonstrate best practices for giving/receiving feedback
  • understand and explain how to facilitate peer coaching in their workplace
  • compare and contrast mentoring for peers versus families

Post-Training Evaluation

Media Mentor Peer Coaching September 10th Training Evaluation.pdf