Student iCON

How to login to Student iCON

Access via this link ( or scan the QR code.

Student iCON uses the IAMS password. This password is the same as the computer login password in school.

You can log in via:

Default browser on your computer or mobile device.*

*For Android devices , logging in via Microsoft Edge and Firefox browsers is recommended.

You cannot log in via:

Mobile apps (e.g. Gmail app, Apple Mail app, etc.) until further notice.

To change IAMS password

To change your password on a school computer, press CTRL+ALT+DELETE in Windows and then click “Change a password”.

What if I have forgotten my password?

Go to the self-reset station at Computer Lab 3 to reset your IAMS password.

After you reset the password, this will be the password for your student iCON and the school computer login.

IAMS Password Policy

1.Password must be 8-24 characters long.

2.Password must contain at least 1 lowercase letter(s).

3.Password must contain at least 1 numeric character(s).

4.Password must contain at least 1 uppercase letter(s).

5.Password must contain at least 2 alphabetic character(s).

6.Password must not be one of 3 previous passwords.

7.Password must not match or contain first name.

8.Password must not match or contain last name.

9.Password must not match or contain user ID.

10.Password expires every 90 days. Users will be alerted via email 7 days before the expiry date.

11.Maximum of 5 login attempts are allowed.

12.The password has to be changed after subsequent password resets.