Emma Tilitile

Emma is a curious and creative student who goes to Wai’anae High School. She has always wondered how various things worked, which is why she enjoys learning and reading, especially about psychology, different cultures, and animals. In her down time, she likes immersing herself in arts and crafts like scrapbooking, origami, or following DIY tutorials. She connects her creativity and passion for design with media, whether it be making yearbook layouts, editing photos, illustrating posters, or animating videos. At the moment, she is relating these interests and hobbies to her current project and hopes that these small actions she is making will help make a difference.

Going Green with Plastics & Plants!

My project is utilizing HDPE from recycled waste—such as bottle caps, milk jugs, shampoo bottles, bleach bottles, and plastic bags—to create flower pots. According to the Department of Environmental Services, Oahu produces 2.2 million tons of waste annually, and the majority of that waste goes straight to our landfills. Most of the plastic in our landfills is contributed to single-use plastics, which is why the Honolulu City Council passed the single-use plastics ban and why most people are converting to reusable grocery bags. Another way to limit one’s plastic waste is by using HDPE or high-density polyethylene products. It is cost-effective, durable, and totally recyclable, which is why I chose it as the material to make my flower pots. To inform more people about what HDPE is and what the benefits are, I created an animated infographic, thus connecting my interest in arts and crafts and my passion for media to the Aloha+ Challenge goal of waste reduction.
