Exploring Innovation in hawai'i During a Pandemic

A Virtual PDE3 Opportunity

Are you a Hawai'i DOE educator or student?

Are you ready to test out innovative aproaches to learning and leading?

Are you passionate about contributing to change in our community?

The Learning Laboratory will...

  • Lean into a highly collaborative space of diverse learners and leaders

  • Push your self to strengthen competencies centered around Ideation & Creation

  • Be given the opportunity to reimagine big or small the systems of education closet to your heart

  • Gain exposure to a wide variety of learning resources and tools applicable to everyday challenges

  • Grow your network of learners and leaders pivotal to gaining insights and creating partnerships

  • Experience personalized coaching around your project idea

Approximately 20 participants will be accepted into the Learning Laboratory Cohort.

Your Learning Experience will include...

  • A diverse mixture of students and teachers enrolled and working within DOE public schools

  • Learners that desire and believe the opportunity to reimagine learning is NOW

  • Self-paced modules that highlight a variety of mediums and learning modalities

  • Intentional and active virtual learning experiences (see schedule below)

  • Self-designed project to highlight your equitable design approach for reimagining the diverse and rigorous experiences of students

  • Flexible one on one coaching meetings to guide your design work throughout the course

  • Share your project with an authentic audience to celebrate your solution and receive community feedback

Approximately 20 participants will be accepted into the Learning Laboratory Cohort.


Last semester, the Learning Lab participants developed projects to address the Aloha + Goals.

Team teachers at Wheeler Middle School, Olga and Lauren, designed an after-school program called "Build a Bridge". The program gets students from Wheeler Middle school to collaborate on projects with students from Wahiawa Middle School.Students will pinpoint key challenges affecting their surroundings and work together to solve them, resulting in cultural exchange and 21st-century skills. This course was develped adressing the Aloha + Challenge Goal od Green Workforce and Education.

Junior at Konawaena high school, Emma, noticed that single-use plastic problem at her school. She developed a method for reusing this plastic waste- adressing the Aloha+ Challenge Goal of Waste Reduction.

Fall Course Timeline

Spring Course Timeline