Breathing for Presence and Wellness 3 days course with Fabio Andrico Autumn 2019 Tokyo

Harmonious Breathing

Harmonious Breathing is a key element in coordinating the functions of the mind and body. It calms the mind, reduces tension in the body, and improves both physiological and cerebral functions. If you eliminate the irregularities in your breathing, it has a beneficial effect on your mind. When breathing is smooth, continuous, slow and quiet, the body relaxes and the mind becomes calmer and more peaceful. Controlled breathing is used in many relaxation methods, and is central to the ideals and goals of yoga. Harmonious Breathing differs from other Yoga by the integration of movement and breathing.

Deepening your practice and understanding of conscious breathing helps to harmonize your personal energy.

We believe that a practice you can apply anywhere, at any time, is a powerful tool for improving the quality of your everyday life.

Correct breathing techniques replicate the breathing rhythms found when people are relaxed and contented, and the mind recognizes these cues and becomes calmer and more grounded as a result.

Harmonious breathing fully engages all the parts of the body involved in the breathing process, from the diaphragm to the back muscles. It gently exercises these muscles, flushes out the lymphatic system, and improves the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide taken in by the lungs.

With body and mind in better balance, you sleep more deeply, are better rested and have more energy. The general feeling of wellbeing is complemented by the ability to work harder, and live better.