
- Half-Life: Reign -

Promotional Artwork

All images were made by FooSarr

You do not have permission to claim these as your own under any circumstances.

"Half-Life: Reign"

The project that aimed to be the best representation of what it would be like if you survived The 7 Hour War.

"Streets of the City"

Even if you've done nothing wrong, you may still be unsafe.

"The Calm"

The calm before the storm, the truth of it all lays within...


This citizen should have obeyed their orders, whether they're innocent or not they face the wrath of the Overwatch.

"The Judgement Wave"

This city has been tainted by the Rebel's transgressions and thus, a Judgement Wave is in order.


If what you're doing isn't legal, we hope you've got money or a very good excuse...

"Uprise and Shine"

Reigning supreme is a task that can only be possible for so long, your life is never certain...


Try all you might, they will reign.


At the end of the day, your reign will come to an end and your life, meaningless.