Conference Presentations

Conference Presentations

Posters, presentations, and conference talks (chaired) in reverse chronological order

Cobb, H. R., Strasburg (Hartman), A. E., Qalbani, S., Arunprasath, D., & Thomas, C. L. (2022, April). A qualitative exploration of workaholism in college students in the United States [Poster presentation]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Seattle, WA, United States.

Cobb, H. R., Murphy, L. D., Hartman, A. E., Chang, K., & Donnelly, S. (May 2021). COVID-19 In higher ed: University employee’s work environment experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic [Poster presentation]. Association for Psychological Science, Virtual conference.

Murphy, L. D., Cobb, H. R., Hartman, A. E., Chang, K., & Donnelly, S. (April 2021). Assessing the resource loss spiral of university employees during the COVID-19 pandemic [Abstract presentation]. Saint Louis University Chapter Sigma Xi Annual Research Symposium, Virtual conference.

Cobb, H. R., & Thomas, C. L. (April 2021). Workaholism during the early months of COVID-19 [Abstract presentation]. Saint Louis University Chapter Sigma Xi Annual Research Symposium, Virtual conference.

Allen, J., Appelbaum, N., Garman, A., Hughes, A., & Hysong, S. (Panelists, no authorship order). In H. R. Cobb, A. E. Hartman, & C. L. Thomas (Co-Chairs) (2021, April). COVID-19’s impact on the healthcare workforce: Implications for I-O psychology [Panel session]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Virtual conference. 

Cobb, H. R., Murphy, L., Katz, I. M., Thomas, C. L., Rudolph, C. W., Hartman, A. E., & Billeaud, M. L. (April 2021). Are we measuring boundaries or borders? A review of boundary management scales [Poster presentation]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Virtual Conference.

Cobb, H. R., Hartman, A. E., Murphy, L., & Thomas, C. L. (June 2020). Who benefits in dual-earner couples? Career focus and work-family balance [Poster presentation]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Virtual Conference.

Murphy, L., Cobb, H., Hartman, A. E., & Thomas, C. L. (June 2020). A review of LGBTQ+ work-family: What do we know and where do we go from here? [Poster presentation]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Virtual Conference.

Cobb, H., & Sawyer, K. (June 2017). Attracted to now: Individual differences that relate to mindfulness-based interventions in the workplace [Conference presentation abstract]. Work, Stress, and Health Conference, Minneapolis, MN.   

Galtieri, L. R., Cobb, H., & O’Gorman, E. (March 2017). Validating the SCORS-G in non-clinical samples [Poster presentation]. Society for Personality Assessment, San Francisco, CA.

Cobb, H., O’Gorman, E., & Kurtz, J. E. (March 2017). Not so ambiguous? Examining stimulus effects in the Picture Story Exercise and Social Cognition and Object Relations Scale – Global Rating Method [Poster presentation]. Society for Personality Assessment, San Francisco, CA.

Cobb, H., Sawyer, K., & Kurtz, J. E. (March 2016). Attracted to now: Using the Big Five and HEXACO Models to examine interest in mindfulness-based interventions at work [Poster presentation]. Society for Personality Assessment, Chicago, IL.

Galtieri, L. R., Petros, J. M., Cobb, H., & Kurtz, J. E. (March 2015). Validating SCORS-G in the Eugene-Springfield Community Sample [Poster presentation]. Society for Personality Assessment, Brooklyn, NY.

Other presentations, including panels, symposia, and papers, in reverse chronological order.

Allen, J., Appelbaum, N., Garman, A., Hughes, A., & Hysong, S. (Panelists, no authorship order) (April 2021). COVID-19’s impact on the healthcare workforce: Implications for I-O psychology [Panel session]. In H. R. Cobb, A. E. Hartman, & C. L. Thomas (Co-Chairs). Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Virtual conference.