

Short Story:

We are raising fund to build online class-rooms that will provide instructions to children from under-privileged groups with help of international volunteers. We will donate tablets, projectors and other gadgets to connect these class rooms via Internet Conferencing tools (e.g. Zoom). First phase starts with spoken English lessons for all age group. You can also donate your time for instructions, connect us to NGOs with personal contacts, promote our call so that this scheme can be extended. Please visit the youtube links below to see how this can have real world impact.

Long Story:

Covid has been challenging for most but it has widened the gap between the haves and the have nots in education due to closure of schools, lack of online resources and parental support available at home. We are launching a new project Gyan-Setu - A knowledge bridge . We will provide a tablet, and a data projector to community groups and NGOs currently providing educational services. This setup will be used for their normal teaching and learning activities but also facilitate access to free educational resources over the Internet. Our vision is to take this one step further. Covid has taught us that online education is possible using conferencing tools such as Zoom. As a pilot, we plan to start teaching spoken English over Zoom to these communities using volunteers who can spare 45 minute weekly sessions. These sessions will be expanded to multiple centres simultaneously, assisted by local volunteers. We will further extend instructions to other disciplines. The boon of time-zone hopefully allows us to receive support from bilingual volunteer instructors from Australia, India, North America, UK and many other countries.

We are seeking funding support from you to help us build and scale up this model at national scale. Your contributions will be used 100% towards this program and a receipt for tax exemption will be issued. Gyan Shakti will use its seed funds in conjunction with your donations to launch these projects.

A typical Lenovo tablet costs INR 10500, a basic Benq educational projector costs INR 25000, a smart TV costs INR 25000, Casual teachers part time Rs 5000 a month. With Rs 50000, we can provide a full A/V setup with camera and wireless microphone at each node. We expect the communities to have their own Internet connection, though we may consider providing assistance. The program will also be expanded to low-cost computer (on a USB stick) and UPS donations for both computer literacy and computer based education. We welcome your support, there is no minimum donation amount. Please contact one of the trustees on banking details Contact .

We intend to monitor this program closely to make sure that funds reach the needy groups and achieves its mission. Please join Gyan-Setu facebook group to build a community. Here are some motivational samples which has provided enthusiasm for this project.

Prof Sanjay Jha talking about Australia to kids :

First Tablet donated to Pahal Ek Nai Soch (NGO):

Our Volunteer Educators

Gyan Shakti Trust is a registered public charitable trust compliant with the Indian Trust Act 1882. It is a tax exempt organisation under section 12 A of the Income Tax Act of India and all donations to the trust are tax exempt under section 80G of the Income Tax Act of India.

Prof Jha conducting a Zoom session about Australia with Pahal NGO kids

First Tablet at Pahal Ek Nai Soch

First Spoken English Lesson

English Alphabet