Gyan Shakti Trust Objectives

The objectives of the Trust are:

1. Construction and running of Schools, colleges, educational institutions, dispensaries, centres for poor feeding and homes for the aged for the benefit of the public.

2. Providing for grants, scholarships, fellowships, and other forms of financial assistance to the needy and deserving students for pursuing education, vocational training, skill development etc.

3. Granting of financial assistance to any educational institution for granting scholarships, prizes, medals, awards for excellence in studies, sports and scientific research, distribution of books and notebooks for poor and deserving students.

4. Establishment, conduct, maintenance of clinical laboratories, hospitals, nursing homes, dispensaries and institutions of similar nature and providing financial assistance to the deserving persons for medical treatment.

5. Providing financial assistance for the poor directly and through other institutions.

6. Establishment, conduct, maintenance of old age homes, homes for physically challenged men, women and children and persons with similar disabilities and also for granting financial assistance to institutions performing similar activities.

7. Providing for or contributing to education and scientific research and development.

8. Providing relief to the poor and advancing any other object of general public utility.

9. Fund projects aimed at enhancing environmental sustainability such as assistance to renewal energy development.

10. The Trust will not carry out any activities with the intention of earning profit and will perform with service motive only.