
Children are exposed to climate change information at school and the internet. You may not talk about it much in your family, but your children are getting an earful outside the home. It can be a lot to take in for an adult, let alone a child. It is up to us as adults to help them process all this information in a wise a way as possible. We hope that the faith specific links we have listed will provide resources for you to do this.

It can be tempting to tell a child to not worry but experts suggest this is not the best approach. Acknowledging the concern and saying something like "smart people are working on this" is a good start. And then doing something about climate change as a family is also an anxiety reducer. It can be as simple as keeping a count of what goes into recycling to having a lemonade stand fundraiser for your favorite environmental organization.

Children and young adults are doing serious work and finding solutions to use today. Regular kids are even discovering ways to use biofuel for jets. This video shares some of the amazing work children and youth are doing. "I'm Only a Kid. What Can I Do About Global Warming?"

Youth are also organizing for direct action through groups such as The Sunrise Movement. Their motto "We're building an army of young people to stop climate change and create millions of good jobs in the process."