
10 Quaranic Verses to Guide us to a Greener Future

Arab Climate Change

(Facebook group)

Climate Change and Islam: A Call to Act

(past of a group of 20 Mosques in Minnesota)

Climate Tracker

Lina Yassin

(trains climate journalists)


(creates environmental and sustainability awareness in the Middle East; see knowledge bank , much of which is in Arabic)


Environmental Education in the Holy Quran

(a research paper)

Environment and Islam ("Why Islam" explains Islam to Non-Muslims)

Global Muslim Climate Network

Facebook Group

Green Ramadan

Islam and Climate Change (the Blog of a Canadian Muslim Convert)

Islamic Declaration on Climate Change

Islam Q and A

Meet the activist that explains climate change through Islam

(Islam's Greta Thunberg)

Yaqeen Institute

When the Earth Speaks Against Us: Environmental Ethics and Islam