
American Baptist Church Creation Justice Network

Resources: devotionals, webinars, guide to becoming a creation justice congregation

A Rocha

"Christian Organization Engaging Communities in Nature Conservation"

resources: hymns/ Bible studies/bibliography

also includes Portuguese resources

Blessed Earth

resources: scriptures/bibliography/quotes/videos/links

Care of Creation

resources: bookstore/ book discussion Guide/videos of presentations to Urbana Missions Conference

Climate Stewards

provides carbon offsets

Eco Justice Ministries

"Helping Churches Go Green"

Eco Justicia

Spanish resource

Evangelical Environmental Network

Pro-life Clean Energy Campaign/ EEN virtual book club


Gordon College, Wenham, Massachusetts

Dr. Dorothy Boorse

Professor of Biology

Green the Church

focus on African American churches

Green Christian

resources: leaflets, brochures, posters/ prayer guide

Green Seminary Initiative

John Ray Initiative

Connecting Environment, Science and Christianity

Dr. Katherine Hayhoe

The Bible Doesn't Talk about Climate Change, Right?"

Lutherans Restoring Creation


Mennonite Church USA

"Nature Against Empire"

Operation Noah

"Faith Motivated. Science Informed. Hope Inspired."

Presbyterians for Earth Care

Quakers and Climate Change

Tyndale Seminary: Creation Care Reading Room

resources: creation care resources to those without access to a theological library

Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth

Web of Creation

resources: many creation care links

Young Evangelicals for Climate Action