EXHIBITOR LIST: A spreadsheet which contains ALL current exhibitors. Column headers indicate details, as follows:
Exhibitor Name: The individual, organization or vendor name.
Tbl Code: On the show floor plan maps, tables assigned to the exhibitor carry this code for ease in locating them. Use "Find" in your browser or hand-held. (See below for link to show floor plans).
Details: Click this link to see more about what the exhibitor sells, displays, or represents. This takes you to the Exhibitor Information pages (see below) describing all exhibitors, and which is searchable.
Loc.: Where to find the exhibitor on show floor plans (see link below).
S Hall is South Hall, which is divided on the show map into 4 areas: A, B, C and D.
C Hall is Center Hall, which is divided on the show map into areas A and B.
N Hall is North Hall (no further divisions)
Shows: (F)ebruary, (A)pril, (O)ctober. These are the shows the exhibitor has attended in the past. It is NOT a guarantee for the future.
Status: Exhibitor is either RESERVED, PENDING or UNAVAILABLE for the upcoming show. Status changes as we get closer to the show date. Default view is PENDING.
As shown below, use the options at the top of the table to fully access all features (download, sort, etc.). "Mess" with it.
EXHIBITOR INFORMATION: Includes detailed information about all exhibitors who have been at the show at least once over the past 3 years. Seach the entire document for what you need to see: "HO," "repair," "scenery," etc. CLICK HERE TO SEE AND USE THE EXHIBITOR INFORMATION.
SHOW FLOOR PLANS: See them here.