Utility Commands
Important note: Some commands may contain not safe for work (NSFW) content. These commands are intentionally omitted from this list, and can only be viewed and used within a NSFW channel.
Important note: Some commands may contain not safe for work (NSFW) content. These commands are intentionally omitted from this list, and can only be viewed and used within a NSFW channel.
Total commands: 56
Total commands: 56
answer, avatar, badges, barcode, botbadges, botinvite, botpermissions, botstatus, choose, color, credits, date, discordjs, discordstatus, discriminator, emoji, faq, githubrepository, githubuser, hastebin, help, javascript, jumble, news, nodejs, npm, permissions, ping, premium, privacy, programs, pypi, qrcode, roll, scheme, serverinvite, serverinvites, stackoverflow, support, terms, ticket, timer, tips, tutorial, userpermissions, viewtos, voted, website, wikipedia
domaininfo, google, ipinfo, phoneinfo, poll, scanemail, scanurl