Cores for Kids

It is important that disciples of all ages can fully participate in the mission. Therefore, it is critical that children understand the essentials of our practices without “watering down” their meaning and power. A child does not receive a “junior-sized” Holy Spirit, but the Bible teaches that children have tremendous spiritual insight and often receive profound Kingdom truths more easily than adults. Simultaneously, a child’s human development requires the gospel to be presented in its simplest form in terms of the language and imagery we use. Below are “kid-friendly” truths reflected in our four core practices that could be passed on to the next generation from the earliest moments possible. These are "cores for kids":

*Prayer is how Jesus taught us to connect with God.

*Jesus taught us to worship God by doing good everywhere we go.

*Baptism is a way of remembering that Jesus forgives us and showing we want to live totally for Him.

*Being a disciple means obeying and acting like Jesus, especially by loving God and others.

The question will often come up about what children or babies do during gatherings or church meetings. There is no "one-size-fits-all" answer. It depends on the group and the meeting. Their level and form of participation varies greatly. We have seen children directly participate with the adults during the whole meeting, one adult lead a separate activity for children, older children teach younger children, blended activities, some time for children to play, arts and crafts and skits, etc.

The key distinction in our approach to children's involvement in church gatherings is the understanding that discipleship best happens in real life settings. Crying babies, dirty diapers, toddler tantrums, and child conflicts are NOT interruptions to our "spiritual" lives, but interacting with children in these situations is as much of our spirituality as prayer or Bible study.