Or at least what we strive to do...

If you have seen our Plan on a Page, then you know we have FOUR CORE PRACTICES that make up our entire belief statement and approach to faith.

These four core practices are what we call the "irreducible minimum" of the Christian faith. In other words, when we simplify Christianity to its essential elements necessary for following Jesus, we end up at the four practices. The hope is that each individual internalizes them as part of their everyday lives.

It is best to watch this video before participating in the lessons. It explains the process for how anybody can "do church" wherever you are.


Following Jesus' example to care about what God cares about

If interested in Christian Meditation, you might like this podcast.

If you are interested in praying for our schools, here is a way to get daily prayer prompts via text message.

Prayer Walk Ideas for Schools (can be adapted for businesses, shopping centers, parks, neighborhoods, etc.)

Places we have had community members prayer walk are pictured below.


Doing good wherever we are


Embracing new life in Christ

Part One: Meaning of Baptism

Part Two: Meaning of Baptism

Part Three: Meaning of Baptism


Learning to obey God's command to love

Some of our Prayer Walk locations