Or at least who we are striving to be...

We want to be a diverse network of...

Unchurched, de-churched, skeptics, curious...wherever you are on the faith spectrum, you are welcome.

We want to be a simple faith community.

We simplify our doctrines and practices down to one page. We believe that as our emphasis on religion decreases, our access to Jesus increases.

We have no formal membership. We don't track attendance. There are no dues, fees, or tithes. Grace In Motion doesn't raise funds or want your money.

We want to be a movement of disciples acting in grace and simplifying faith.

Just because we are not the "organized church" doesn't mean we are disorganized. We still have a purpose, a mission.

Our driving belief is that if more people acted like Jesus, the world would be a better place.

We are committed to serving, learning, accepting and loving. Our focus and center is Christ and we want to be up front about that.

Individuals in our community network are not uniform in their beliefs about God or Christianity, but we are united in our desire to know Jesus better.