What I did: Built and shipped the game completely from scratch. Created some of the assets including some sound effects, UI, some models, some textures, some shaders, and imported the rest from the unity asset store and opengamearts, designed levels, progressions, and tuned major systems like game mechanics and monetization, hardware optimizations, and wrote dialogue. 


I worked on this project as the sole developer using the Unity Engine. This project idea and its first prototype began work on the first week of October 2020 and was completed on April 2021. And was released on multiple app stores upon completion. PC version was released later on itch.io

The fictional characters in this game uses path-finding algorithms along with Unity's physics engine to navigate around the game map and interact with physical objects. 



The Protagonist: Akira

A vengeful hitman, an exbot trained by the Exbot Agency. He's got mad skills and an advanced weapon that does a lot of damage when fired

The Primary Villain: Borge

He's the one in charge of the agency now, he has a lot of exbots under his command, and a very powerful rocket launching weapon.

The Main Villain: Vigor Acer

The main villain: Vigor Acer, the big boss and leader of the exbot agency, a person whose skills so closely matches that of Akira. He does not go down easy.


These are the characters that must enforce all that the exbot agency stands for. Their main goal? To stop Akira no matter what it takes. They are my idea of recreating the idea behind the classic sonic the hedgehog series in which people are gradually turned to robots, first the human is turned to a henchman, and eventually to an even powerful robotic henchman.

Exbot Henchman

High Level Exbot Henchman

High Level Exbot Henchman


The laser monster

The antigrav destroyer

The quad car

The combustion monster


I designed the game's concept using primitive 3D models which I eventually transitioned into a fully furnished platformer run n gun style game.

I created some of the assets used, this includes a 3D models like platforms, props, background environment, UI, custom model textures, shaders and sound effects.

I took advantage of the unity asset store and opengameart for the rest of the assets needed to showcase a live and realistic environment.

I wrote C# codes for the mechanics of the game including camera, animations, player and enemies movements, behaviors and dialogues, and codes that localizes the languages and optimizes the game based on the hardware it is installed.


Would you like a more detailed workflow to this project? Would you like to follow my thought process on this game? Well....would you?

Head over to the Development Guide

During the course of this project, I developed the following skills:

The feature that I'm most definitely proud of is the exciting thrills present in the game as you fight your way through so many enemies, firing at them and dodging their weapons and bullets. The game remains engaging the moment either the player's character or the enemy fires their weapon. It is backed up by the story-line that follows a vengeful assassin that turns on their previous master. This has so much potential for an even better sequel or a prequel at just the right time.

The in-game music boosts the excitements with the best thrills of an action game so it does not feel too frustrating if your character dies during a mission. They can simply be regenerated at a checkpoint and continue the mission.