What I did: Built and shipped the game completely from scratch. Created some of the assets including some sound effects, UI, some models, some textures, some shaders, and imported the rest from the unity asset store and opengamearts, designed levels, progressions, and tuned major systems like game mechanics and monetization, hardware optimizations.


This game was designed by me with the Unity Engine. This project idea and its first prototype began work on the first week of April 2022 and was completed on May 2022. And was released on the app stores upon completion. It's webGL version was released later on itch.io

The fictional characters in this game uses path-finding algorithms along with Unity's physics engine to navigate around the game map and interact with physical objects.


A stealth game in which your skill as an assassin is tested. In this game, you're required to bend the environment to your will. Take cover on walls, avoid surveillance camera, and stay out of the enemy's field of vision.

During this project, I developed the following skills:


The feature I'm the most proud of is the core engaging stealth fighting design. When the player character comes in behind the unsuspecting enemy, he knocks the enemy out with one swift move. If he is detected by a surveillance camera, he has to decide on an instant if to hide behind walls or take on the incoming hoard of enemies. However, if he is detected by just one enemy, he must fight that enemy or flee the area.