GPYC Etiquette
1. Please check your card to see when the sessions start and make sure that you are at Murrayfield in good time.
2. Please be in the hack ready to play your shot. 8 Ends should be a minimum target per game.
3. Please stand to the side and between the hoglines when the opposition are playing their shots.
4. Skips and Thirds can stand quietly behind the opposition skip when the other team are playing.
5. Please do not bang your brush on the ice!
6. Tidy and arrange the stones at the end of the match.
7. No one tries to play badly - encourage your team mates!
8. Club curling should be fun! Have a drink with your opposition after the game.
9. Tidy up any rubbish left after your game.
Remember that "ends won" count towards your final league position so always play to the bell. Games cannot be conceded -
it is not fair to other teams in the leagues, nor to players for whom GPYC is their only curling.
If you need to arrange a reserve/substitute then please check the membership list. The abbreviations are the competitions that
members are already playing in. This list is to make find subs easier so you don't contact people you know who are playing in that
competition. (Cop = Copland, Alm = Almondfield, Edi = Edington, YC = Youngsters Cup)
If you have tried to find a sub and can't find someone, please let one of the coaches know who you have tried already. The aim is to
have 8 players on every sheet.