BCCUCC New Organizational Structure

~ Draft 2024 By-Laws ~

***VOTE ON JANUARY 28th***

On Sunday, January 28th, after church and during the budget meeting, we will be voting on measures to implement BCCUCC's New Organizational Structure approved on October 1, 2023.

Agenda items to be voted on at this meeting:

Governance/Ministry Task Force Overview

With approval by the congregation on October 1, 2023 to implement the new organizational structure, GMTF turned their focus to redrafting BCCUCC's By-Laws to be consistent with the new structure.  In doing so, we had two main goals:

Below you will find:

New Model      

Draft of Updated By-Laws (with general notes)

To review the new organizational structure approved on Oct. 1, 2023, click here:

More information on recommended changes to by-laws:

Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out to

 Vanessa Kiley at vanessa@exceptionalleaders.com

Governance and Ministry Task Force Members:

Rev. Dr. Dale Azevedo

Tom Strolla

Kate Colby

Dick McWhirter

Vanessa Kiley