Proposed Organizational Structure

- Glossary -


The governing body of this church is the membership assembled in church meeting, and the powers of the membership assembled includes, but are not limited to, the right to retain or adopt its own methods of organization, constitution and by-laws; to formulate its own covenants and confessions of faith; to admit members in its own way and to provide for their discipline or dismissal; to call or dismiss its ordained ministers by such procedure as it determines; to acquire, own, manage, and dispose of property and funds; to control its own benevolence; and to withdraw from the United Church of Christ or any Conference or other joint endeavor at any time without forfeiture of ownership or control of any real, intangible or personal property owned by this church.*

* Taken directly from our current by-laws

Governing Board:

When a church meeting is not in session, the Governing Board acts on behalf of the membership. It is responsible for keeping the congregation’s money, people, and property safe. It is responsible for determining major goals and strategies, articulating policies, delegating authority to those who lead the daily work of the church, and holding them accountable for their performance. The Governing Board works closely with the Head of Ministries to ensure that the congregation is living in harmony with its own mission and values. The Governing Board shall engage in regular communication with the congregation and is accountable to the membership.

Director of Ministries:

The Senior Minister is the Director of Ministries and is responsible for ensuring that the ministry of the congregation is carried out in accordance with the mission, values, and vision of the church as established by the congregation and articulated by the Governing Board. They will work closely with the Ministry Coordinators to support all teams under their supervision and help develop new teams for core ministries established by the Governing Board. The Head of Ministries will work closely with the Finance Coordinator to prepare an annual budget for review by the Governing Board and approval by the congregation. The Head of Ministries is accountable to the Governing Board and will meet regularly with them ensuring that the Governing Board has a clear understanding of how the church’s ministries are progressing.

Ministry Coordinator:

Ministry Coordinators are responsible for the oversight and development of the ministry areas to which they have been called. Their role is to support and encourage the individuals and Ministry Teams within their purview. They are responsible for overseeing their ministry area budget and working with their ministry teams to ensure its responsible implementation. Ministry Coordinators are accountable to the Director of Ministries and will report regularly to them seeking support and guidance as necessary.

Primary Ministries:

Primary Ministries are those ministry areas defined by the church's mission statement and core values.   The primary ministry areas are Worship, Welcome, Congregational Care, Justice and Peace, Service and Faith Formation.

Worship Ministry:

This ministry enables the church to live out its mission to be a community that “worships God” through worship services on Sundays and other times. It includes all ministry teams that might produce music, recruit readers and other worship leaders, oversee chancel decorations or flowers, lead prayer services, and other activities directly related to worship.

Welcome Ministry:

This ministry helps the church live out its mission to be a community that “embraces all people”. It includes all teams that might help the church focus on our Open and Affirming ministry, work toward accessibility in our buildings, enhance the comfort and experience of our visitors, and even engage in marketing, social media, and evangelism.

Congregational Care Ministry:

This ministry helps the church live out its mission to be a community that “ministers to one another”. It includes all ministry teams that are focused on areas traditionally referred to as fellowship as well as those engaged in caring for members and friends who are going through difficult times including circumstances such as bereavement, health issues, and loneliness or isolation.

Justice and Peace Ministry:

This ministry helps the church live out its mission to be a community that “works for justice and peace”. It includes all teams that raise awareness of, and bring about changes in, societal or cultural systems that uphold racial, cultural, social economic, and environmental inequality.

Service and Outreach Ministry:

This ministry helps the church live out its mission to be a community that “renders loving service to God’s world”. It includes all teams that organize, participate in, or support ministries that have direct impact on those who are struggling to meet the basic necessities of life: food, clothing, health, and shelter.

Faith Formation Ministry:

This ministry is responsible for developing, organizing, or carrying out programs that are focused on education, personal growth, and individual faith development. This ministry spans all age groups and includes ministry teams that might run church school, the nursery, adult education classes, Bible studies, meditation groups, and other similar ministries.

Support Ministries:

Support Ministries are those ministries whose work must be completed to keep the church running.  The  support ministry areas are Property, Finance and Administration.

Finance Ministry:

This ministry is responsible for overseeing accounting, budgeting, cashflow, risk management, endowment, stewardship. The Finance Coordinator will work with the Director of Ministries to recruit individuals or teams to carry out these various tasks and will also oversee the Treasurer(s) and Financial Secretary.

Property Ministry:

This ministry is responsible for managing and maintaining the buildings and grounds of the church. The Property Coordinator will work with the Head of Ministries to recruit individuals or teams to carry out these responsibilities. They will also supervise, along with the Director of Ministries, any paid personnel who carry out these tasks.

Administrative Ministry:

This ministry is responsible for human resources, nominating and all general administrative work of the church. 

Ministry Teams:

Ministry Teams are responsible for carrying out the ministries delegated to them as defined in their ministry plan. They are authorized to carry out their ministry in any way that is consistent with the church’s mission, vision, and values and are encouraged to work cooperatively with other groups and individuals within the church. Ministry Teams are accountable to their Ministry Coordinator and the Director of Ministries and, if seeking financial support, are responsible for submitting an annual budget request to the Ministry Coordinator.

Core Teams:

Core team are ministry teams instituted by the by-laws, Governing Board, or congregation as a ministry that are essential to the functioning of the organization.

Inspired Teams:

Inspired teams are formed from the ground up, when individuals or groups in the congregation feel inspired or called to start a ministry that others may join.  These teams will come and go as the needs of the church and community change.