Proposed Organizational Structure

- Governing Board -

Proposed Model

The Governing Board is made up of 5 or 7 members that are representative of the congregation.  The board is elected by the congregation and is accountable to the congregation

The Governing Board is focused on the long-term, big picture.  It articulates the Mission, determines major goals and strategies (Vision), develops policies based the congregation's values and generally ensures the congregation is living in harmony with its mission and values.

To do this work the board should engage regularly with the congregation to gauge its current values and priorities.  It also works with the Director of Ministries to carry out the vision.

The Governing Board is also responsible for keeping the congregation's money, people and property safe. 

The Governing Board's role is significantly different from the current Council as it delegates authority to those who lead the daily work of the church, so it can focus on navigating the Church into the future through the Church's values.