BCCUCC New Organizational Structure

Why Change?

Our current structure has existed for decades and was built for a different time when people's social lives revolved around the church.  In the current structure:

- AND -

Times have changed!  The current structure is NOT working.  In short, the organization must evolve so we can thrive LONG TERM

The proposed structure on these pages is intended to address the issues noted above and be inclusive and agile, and responsive  to the future needs of the church.

New Model      


The Congregation's responsibilities and authority have not changed.  It is the primary governing body of the church.

Governing Board

The Governing Board is made up of 5 or 7 members that are representative of the congregation.  The board is elected by the congregation and accountable to the congregation. Its focus is on the long-term, big picture.


Ministries are led by the Sr. Minister, who is responsible for ensuring that they are carried out in accordance with the church's mission, vision, and values.  

Ministries are broken up by Area according to the church's mission and each area is led by a Ministry Coordinator whose role is to support and encourage Ministry Teams in their area.

Ministries are grouped into Primary Ministries and Support Ministries.

Governance/Ministry Task Force Vision

The Governance Ministry Task Force seeks to establish a new governance model that results in an active, engaged and vibrant church community that changes lives.

Within this community:

Members and friends come together to share their gifts in ways they are called to serve,

Ministry leadership is committed to excellence in worship, faith formation, community building, and caring for facilities and finances, and

A dedicated  group articulates the mission, strategy and goals, delegates power, oversees operations and keeps money, people and property safe.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out to

 Vanessa Kiley at vanessa@exceptionalleaders.com

Governance and Ministry Task Force Members:

Rev. Dr. Dale Azevedo

Tom Strolla

Kate Colby

Dick McWhirter

Vanessa Kiley