Quiz Makeup Essay

If you miss an in-class quiz, you are given a grade of 70% (out of 100 possible points). I do not give make up quizzes, but you may choose to write a 3 page, double-spaced paper on the reading or information on the quiz you missed. Once you hand in this paper, your grade will be changed to 100%.

Also, if you take a quiz and make a grade you are not happy with, you may also write a 3 page, double spaced paper on the reading or information that was on the quiz.

Finally, if you make a grade lower than a 70, you MUST write a 3 page essay as described below:

The paper should (1) summarize the main points of the reading or information pertaining to the quiz as well as (2) offer your opinions for and against some of the main arguments you have summarized.

Due: One week from quiz due date