Class Pics & Personalities

How to Post Your Introduction

To get to editing mode, click on the pencil in the bottom right hand corner. Then in the menu bar on the right, click on "Pages" and select "Class Pics and Personalities." Then click on the circled + sign below. A new page will appear. Title your page "Meet your firstname, lastname." Insert a photo of yourself and then type in your introduction.

To insert your photo, click on "Images" in the menu bar, upload your photo from your computer.

Then don't forget to click "Publish" in upper right.

Here's what to include in your introduction: please write it as a paragraph in prose, not as a list. Don't forget your photo!

Name or nickname-



Class Year (Freshman, Sophomore, etc.)-


Ancestry, ethnicity

Country of interest for Global Interdisciplinary Studies-

Career aspirations-

Are you working with any activist groups on campus?

Do you speak any other languages fluently besides English?

Tell us something about you that makes you unique!

If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?

Please write this information about yourself as a paragraph of prose--NOT a list.