Global Portfolio

About Me

Hello! My name is Ryan Kang, and I am currently a senior at Andover High School. I have two brothers: Matthew (24) and Jonathan (18 twin). When I was a sophomore, I joined the Global Pathways programs because I was always fascinated by the unique characteristics and beauties of the world. As a Global Scholar, I hope to learn about and experience different cultures while also working to develop solutions to problems that people from all over the world are facing.

My Athletics


Track and Field

My Interests & Hobbies


One of my biggest hobbies is bowling. Whenever I have the time (and money), I would venture out to the bowling alley to chase for that elusive 300 perfect game. My love for this sport began when I was around 6 years old when my parents bought a Nintendo Wii. The game included with that console was Wii Sports in which I fell in love with the bowling game mode. Whenever I wasn't sleeping I would be bowling perfect games on my 20 inch TV. Fast forward to today, my love for bowling remains as I taught myself how to bowl two-handed, a style perfected by my favorite bowler in the world: Jason Belmonte. When in doubt, I'll be in the lanes!


My love for filmmaking began during my sophomore year when I decided to join Film Club. Captivated by its creative power of storytelling, I participated in all of the club's activities including filmmaking short films, competing in film competitions, and recording school events. My love for filmmaking isn't just present inside of Andover High School whether it's me filming family trips and Day in the Life videos.


During the summer of 2023, I worked on a movie written by my friends. As the Director of Photography, I'm responsible for the framing of each scene and making sure everything the audience sees is what the directors had envisioned. Furthermore I have the role as editor which revolves in countless hours composing the final cut of the movie. Regardless of the extensive time commitment, I enjoyed this whole process of making a full feature film for it's the perfect extension to my interest in filmmaking.

The plot of Bonsai revolves around the story of Max, a 16-year-old teenager who must return to high school after a traumatic summer. As the story progress, it touches on the social topic of mental health, with the purpose of raising mental health awareness.