Global Enrichment

Global Summit 2022

During my sophomore year, I was fortunate enough to take part of the Global Summit at the Cormier Youth Center. My brother and I got to lead the icebreaker activity which was fun and exciting. After that, I got to work on many fun and interactive workshops including rock painting and lei making. I was also able to speak to someone overseas via The Portal and got to learn salsa dancing.  For our Design Challenge, we were asked to preserve any cultural significance in human society, branching from tangible to untaggable cultural objects. My group got together and came with the solution to preserved the Latin language through providing more opportunities of education and apply the Latin language to better understand mythology and historical stories.

Global Submit 2023

For the Global Submit of 2023, my brother and I once again led the icebreaker activity: this time musical chairs with over 70 people. Other than the icebreaker activity, I was able to engage with that year's theme: Clean Energy & Sustainable Cities. The workshop activities were related to these goals. One activity in particular that I enjoyed was a scavenger hunt in which we were let into town and find certain sustainable items that are being used currently in Andover. Through this activity I learned how Andover is aiming to be environmentally sustainable, showing how the town is contributing to the preservation of the environment. For our design challenge, we were tasked to handling the effects of a dam removal on the Shawsheen River in a way that it will bring back the natural flow of the river while not disrupting the communities living along the river.

Global Submit 2024

For my last ever Global Submit, the theme was Life on Land and Life Underwater. For the last time, me and my fellow senior classmates led the workshops activities as well as the icebreaker activity (which is Sharks & Minnows). The workshops for this year's submit include the return of a town scavenger hunt, a sushi making station, Thailand style paper making station, and the creation of a mural. I had a great experience with all of the workshop activities with sushi making being my favorite. As for our keynote speaker, Dr. Micah Miller, researcher in conservation of loons, introduced the idea of evolutionary trade offs and how the loon species are at the cusp of fish and birds. This ties in for our Design Challenge which is a fun Loon Survival Game activity. Overall, I had a memorable experience and I'm extremely honored to be able to help coordinate and run the Global Submits for the past three years of my Global Scholar career at AHS.

Let in the Light 2023

The Let in the Light event during the winter of my senior year was full of fun activities that includes candle dipping, paper lantern making, and recycled tree building. Though I was unable to participate in paper lantern making due to time constraints, I was able to fully enjoy making a tree out of recycled magazines and experience making a wax candle.

Discover AHS 2023

Discover AHS is an event held each year for 8th graders to have a taste for what's to come at Andover High School. I volunteered to help out by introducing the upcoming high schoolers the Global Pathways Program as well as the Capstone Research Project. Throughout my time introducing them to the program, I was joyed to see so many interested in the program and asking very good questions in terms of the activities and commitment involved.

The Human Element

The Human Element is a documentary in which I've watched with some of my Global peers on an H4 during my Junior Year.  The documentary sheds light into the issue of human affecting the environment and how it is affecting us as well.