Returning from the COVID Pandemic, our 2022 jam was a hybrid event, with participants working both in person and online. We held our showcase fully online via Bluejeans.

36 Jammers. 12 Games.
Theme: Duality

Photos from the Event


A grand card game for all ages! Learn to be more verbose! Can you match the antonyms?

"Duality" Arrow keys to move. Eat at your own risk.


You are project: Bullets Outta Both Barrels (B.O.B.B), and your purpose is to destroy. Play as a military robot running a combat simulation. Created by Thanatos Industries for the U.S. Military program named T.Y.T.H (This Year's Theme, Hamfisted). Right click to shoot red bullets at red enemies. Left click to shoot yellow bullets at yellow enemies.

In this 2-player game, your goal is to get a ball of your color (green or purple) onto each of the 12 platforms of your color. You have two minutes to get a ball onto as many platforms as possible. The player with the most platforms with a ball wins.

A village of foods are attacked by an evil group of potatoes who start killing everyone. The object of the game is to escape the potatoes without dying. There will be two players that have to work together in order to survive the evil potatoes of doom!!!!

Game Rules For 2 or more players (preferably even number) For ages 12+ This game consists of two block towers of different colors. The objective of the game is to pull blocks from you’re own tower and stack them on your opponent’s tower. Blocks will have challenges on them you must complete to continue the game. If the challenge isn’t completed you must stack the block you just pull on your own tower and draw again. Not all block will have a challenge on them. The game is over once a tower falls. - Components Wooden blocks Two different color sharpies Open and creative mind

This is a card game that requires each player to divide into two teams. Players will the randomly choose a player from the other team to be their partner, and then they will pick up a card. Players will then compete in the card's task and the winner(s) will be awarded points. The team that reaches 20 points first wins the game.

Real or Fairytale is a game of true or false, the rules are simple. To win you must get 20 cards right in a row, the catch is for any card you get wrong you must restart the round. If you get 10 right and the next one is wrong, you must restart.

ShadowFall is top-down labyrinth explorer where you play as Francis, a little dude with some slight demonic powers. Shift between light Francis and dark Francis to traverse paths of light and shadow and avoid invincible enemies on your way to the exit.

In this game, you are playing as either an astronaut or an alien who must travel across the solar system and make it home in time for dinner. You can use coins, marbles, or anything else that fits in the board squares as your own game piece.

You find yourself trapped in a labyrinth and need to find your way out. You traverse the labyrinth in hopes of finding the exit, and potentially some hidden secrets.

This a simple board game that consists of two boards one is Yin one is Yang. Players will have a game piece on each board. To finish the players must roll dice to advance their pieces towards the end. First player to have both of their pieces at the end of each board wins.