With much of the world still in quarentine, our 2021 event was fully online, hosted via Teams, Bluejeans, and Topia.

32 Jammers. 7 Games.

Theme: Lost & Found

Photos from the Event


A simple game with complex feels. Arrow Keys to move. Based off "Lost and Found."

The setting is the sunken titanic which is now haunted. Your task is to search for lost items in the shipwreck, but you must hurry before the ghost gets you. If you select all the items before the ghost gets you, you can move to the next level. If during your search, you find a rare 'ghost repellant' item, you can buy yourself more time to complete your item search.

The dastardly Lich has sealed your friends' souls away within the bodies of monsters! Traverse through the Labyrinth to save your friends and defeat Lich! CONTROLS Keyboard: Z to select (hold Z to fast forward through dialogue) X/Esc to cancel, or access menu Hold Shift to dash Mouse: Left click to select Right click to cancel, or access menu You will automatically dash to tiles you click on You can use items and some spells within the character menu.

You wake up one morning, it is your 18th birthday and you don't know that your life is about to make a tremendous turn until you meet this stranger. Once contact has been made you immediately lose your identity, and you end up in a dream and you wake up again and it is still your 18th birthday. You are now given clues that can help you prevent meeting the stranger and if you fail to figure them out your day will restart.

Help the Stevenson University Mascot on his quest to find the lost football.

The detective has lost his Sandwich ingredients, so he must find them!

In this game the user will use their voice to dictate where the object will move around in the void to find lost objects. The lost objects are invisible until they are hit by the object that the user is controlling. Once all the objects have been found the user has completed the level and will move onto the next. Later levels will get harder by increasing the size of the game and increasing the number of ghosts. If a ghost is hit the player looses. Need to have microphone access to play the game. The commands to move are forward/shoot, down, right, and left.