Resource Sharing
Information exchange within the GLFFC is ongoing and dynamic
Information related to wildfire program delivery, agency organization, air operations and equipment is conveyed through standing working committees, personnel and resource exchanges, compact meetings and reports.
GLFFC promotes the sharing of ideas, new technology, tools, personnel and resources throughout its member agencies. Annually, a plan is developed in which each committee or agency has the opportunity to participate in interagency exchanges. Exchange proposals are written to include a description, goals and objectives to be accomplished, identification of the sending and receiving agencies as well as identifying the specific resource, team or individual to participate. Upon approval of the GLFFC Executive Board and member agencies a lead person is responsible to ensure the exchange takes place. Upon completion of each exchange, a report and/or presentation is prepared to review lessons learned.
Listed below are examples of some of the information and resource sharing between agencies within the compact.
Fire Program Delivery Systems
Fire Suppression Strategies
Command and Control Structures
Planning and PreparednessHeadquarters Operations
Fire Detection
Fire Prevention
Wildland Fire and Leadership Training
Fire Organizations and Personnel
Command and Control Functions
State/Provincial Fire Crews (Configurations and Functions)
Contract Fire Crews (Configurations and Functions)
Dispatch (Away from Home) Guidelines
Workman’s Compensation Guidelines
Overhead Fire Teams (for large, escaped fires)
State/Provincial Fire Crews (Training, Physical Fitness Standards and Personal Safety Equipment)
Contract Fire Crews (Training, and Personal Safety Equipment)
Time/Payment Guidelines
Working Conditions
Air Operations
Aircraft Types Used by Compact Members
Air Tanker/ Water Bomber Drop Zones
Use of Transport Aircraft
Pilot Flight and Duty Time Limitations
Aircraft Refueling (Rotary and Fixed Wing)
Pilot/Passenger Authority and Responsibility
Passengers Allowed During External Load
Air Tanker/ Water Bomber Payloads (volume of water carried for bombing)
Use of Lead/Air Attack Aircraft
Air Tankers/Water Bomber Alert Procedures
Air Attack Communications
Transportation of Hazardous Materials & Dangerous Goods on Aircraft
Minimum Helicopter Equipment and Requirements
Helispots, Heliports and Landing Zones
Forest Fire Suppression Equipment
Use of Ground Foam
Specialized Equipment
Use of Aerial Foam and/or Chemical Retardant
Resource sharing includes equipment, fire crews, incident command (fire) teams, fire specialists and air tankers (heavy water bombers).