Media & Information Literacy

Media & Information Literacy:

All information stakeholders need to master age appropriate critical thinking processing skills as a committed life long learner.

Access Principles:

Recognize the need for information

Formulate appropriate questions

Identify resources through effective search strategies

Retrieve information in a timely, safe, and responsible manner

Evaluation Principles:

Credibility, Accuracy, and Relevance (CAR) of sources of information

Consider the need for additional information

Integration Principles:

Read widely and use various media for information, personal interest and cross curricular learning.

Integrate information and technology creatively to solve a problem and/or enrich understanding

Origination Principles:

Seek, produce, and share accurate information

Recognize and respect the value of created materials

Use Principles:

Draw conclusions and make informed decisions

Integrate information and technology creatively to solve a problem and/or enrich understanding

Subpages (2): CAR Research Model SMILE Overview