Challenge #5

Narrative Photo Illusion

It's hard to believe that taking a photo used to be a big deal! (Interested in photography? Check this out). Many of us take pictures constantly! Today we challenge you to create a picture that tells a story that's not true. What? Yes, that's right, trick us. That's what that word illusion make something, that is not quite what it looks like. So, in the video...Mrs. Lewis makes her carved wood bulldog look the size of Abby, her real dog. Mrs. Jones makes her daughter Libby looks like a giant, and artist Jeff Pabotoy has his little Lego guys paddle alongside men in a real canoe.

What pic trick do you have up your sleeve?

It's a relationship!

Abby, the real dog, needs to be in the picture to make the wood bulldog look bigger than life.

It's the angle!

Mrs. Jones got down low right in front of Libby and shot up at her, making her look really tall.

It's a set up!

Figure out the story you want to tell, and then try moving around the objects you're working with, until the pic says it all.

Big things stay back!

If you want to play around with making something really big look has to be in the background.

Anything can happen!

Small everyday items take on a new life when we get close up and change the scale of things.

Size matters.

Scale is the word we use to talk about the size of something in Art, and how the size of one thing relates to another thing. Check out the work of Christopher Cline here. He uses photoshop to go on BIG adventures with his dog Juji.

Get Inspired!

Share Your Work!

Take a picture of your art work and upload it by clicking on the magenta circle in the bottom right hand corner.