Challenge #1

Natural Materials Sculpture

Natural Materials Sculpture:
Using found natural materials, sticks, leaves, and stones, create a temporary sculpture outdoors. Take a look at the work of Andy Goldsworthy, ( and Patrick Dougherty, ( After you've created your sculpture, share a picture or short video of it on

Extension: Looking at your sculpture create some sketches of what you see. Move around and make drawings from different sides/angles, & close up/far away, etc. Use these sketches to make a final drawing, a painting or a collage. Have fun!

Check it out: There is a Patrick Dougherty sculpture at the Bontanical Gardens in D.C. . (The gardens are closed right now, but hopefully will be open soon).

Share Your Work!

Take a picture of your art work and upload it by clicking on the magenta circle in the bottom right hand corner.