Gianalberto Losapio, Lab Head

Ecologist, botanist, naturalist, and environmental educator.

Environmental scientist with a PhD in Ecology from the University of Zurich, previously postdoctoral researcher at Stanford University and at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), currently Principal Investigator of the Biodiversity Change group at University of Lausanne and Assistant Professor of Botany at University of Milan.

I study biodiversity, ecological networks, and ecosystem functioning, paying particular attention to the causes and consequences of biodiversity change. My research focuses on species and human–environment interactions as well as on responses of communities to global change.

I participated in and directed several international research projects, taught a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses in different countries as well as mentored and supervised students from different cultural backgrounds.

Associate editor of 'Plant Ecology & Diversity' and 'Journal of Plant Ecology', member of 'Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution' editorial board.

Pursues science education, public outreach and community activism for proactively facilitating all people and diversities in science, increasing social equality and improving environmental justice.

Education and professional positions

01/2022 - present Tenure-track Assistant Professor of Botany, Department of Biosciences, University of Milan

11/2021 - present Head of Biodiversity Change group, Swiss NSF Ambizione Fellow, Faculty of Geosciences and Environment, University of Lausanne

03/2020                          Visiting PI. Agua Salud project, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute

01/2020 - 08/2021       Postdoctoral researcher, Swiss NSF Fellow. Dirzo Lab, Stanford University

02/2018 - 05/2018       Swiss NSF Visiting scientist. Biogeography and Ecology Lab, University of the Aegean

10/2017 - 12/2019       Postdoctoral researcher. Biocommunication and Ecology group, ETH Zurich

05/2016 - 06/2016       Visiting researcher. Group of Biodiversity and Conservation, University Rey Juan Carlos

10/2014 - 09/2017       Ph.D. Ecology. University of Zurich. Advisors: Christian Schöb, Bernhard Schmid, Jordi Bascompte

06/2014 - 09/2014      Botanist. Biodiversity Monitoring program. Stelvio National Park

01/2012 - 04/2014      M.Sc. Natural Sciences. University of Milan. Advisor: Marco Caccianiga

09/2010 - 07/2011       European Mobility Fellow, EU FP7 Erasmus programme, University of Salamanca

10/2008 - 12/2011       B.Sc. Natural Sciences. University of Milan. Advisor: Marco Caccianiga

Nora Khelidj, PhD student

After a Bachelor in Biology, I obtained an interdisciplinary Master in Behaviour, Evolution, and Conservation with a minor in Geoscience, Ecology, and Environment at the University of Lausanne.

I am passionate about ecological research; how species are interconnected between them and with their environment. I am sensitive to the impact that we have on those connections and its repercussion on the planet and for future. I try to integrate those aspect into my research. I previously studied the effect of human mediated land-cover on ants community structure as my master thesis. In addition to my studies, I am also the co-creator of a student collective on climate crisis at UNIL.

For my PhD studies, I’ll study the effect of glacier retreat on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. I’ll try to understand relationships between alpine species and how they are modified by melting glaciers around. To that end, I'll do multidisciplinary research in mountain ecosystems by integrating global warming, biodiversity change, and molecular ecology. I find the mountain environment fascinating and enjoy spending time in the Alps. Having the opportunity to solve some mysteries around the alpine environment is truly exciting. 

Education and research activities

01/2022 - present         PhD student in Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Geoscience and Environment, University of Lausanne

08/2020 - 07/2021 Research Internship, Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Lausanne

03/2020 - 06/2020 Student assistant, Cetre Interdisciplinaire de Recherche sur la Montagne

09/2019 - 02/2021 Master of Science in Behaviour, Evolution, Conservation, with minor in Geoscience and Ecology, Faculty of Biology, University of Lausanne. Advisor: Cleo Bertelsmeier

05/2019 - 06/2019 Research Internship, Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Lausanne

09/2018 - 02/2019 Research Internship, Department of Fundamental Microbiology, University of Lausanne

2017 - 2018 Student Mobility (2 semesters) at Stellenbosch University, South Africa

09/2014 - 06/2018 Bachelor of Science in Biology, Faculty of Biology, University of Lausanne

Ngan Bao Tu, PhD student

After a Bachelor degree in Biology with a focus on taxonomy and conservation of the Magnoliaceae family in Vietnam, I pursued a Master’s degree in Plant Science at the University of Milano and University Grenoble Alpes.  My strong research interests in Botany are biodiversity, ecological networks and conservation. For my Master thesis, I studied the effects of glacier retreat on biodiversity and plant–insect interaction dynamics. Now, I'm doing a PhD in Environmental Sciences.

Coming from the tropical country of Vietnam, studying and doing research in the Alps is one of my dreams, a way to enlarge my scientific research and also to understand the impact of global warming on one of the important mountain ecosystem where we appreciate the amazing landscape.

Laura Velasquez, PhD student

Education and professional positions

12/2022 - present         PhD student in Sustainable Development and Climate Change, University of Milan and Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori 

04/2021 - 12/2022 Research Fellow and Lecturer, Gimnasio Campestre

01/2020 - 06/2020 Scientific evidence researcher, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), UK government

03/2019 - 11/2019 Researcher and member of the Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford 

11/2018 - 03/2019 Training course on “Interdisciplinary Food Systems”, IFSTAL

09/2018 - 11/2019 MSc in Biodiversity, Conservation and Management, University of Oxford

11/2017 - 03/2018 Lab technician, Wolfson Carbon Capture Laboratory

06/2015 - 06/2018 BSc in Marine Biology and Zoology, Bangor University

Fuxiao Jian, PhD student

After receiving my MSc in Geographic Information Science at Beijing Normal University, I have started my PhD at University of Lausanne since October 2022.

During my master, my research focused on the impact of ecological restoration on evapotranspiration in greening areas.

Now, I am passionate about understanding the impact of climate change on eco-hydrological processes in mountainous areas.

Funded by China Scholarship Council of the Chinese Ministry of Education.

Co-supervised with Prof. Nadav Peleg.

Alejandra Morán Ordóñez, Researcher

 I am a landscape ecologist and ecological modeller with more than ten years of postdoctoral experience in conservation science. I am interested in understanding how nature and society interact, and how both can be influenced by environmental policy and ecosystems management. I use quantitative tools to understand ecological patterns and processes across multiple spatio-temporal scales, from waterholes to forest stands to whole continents. I have applied these tools to many ecological questions, for example projecting species’ habitat suitability under climatic and land use scenarios or quantifying and mapping ecosystem services in semi-natural ecosystems under human management and climate change. Then, I use that ecological information to assist conservation planning. For example, to evaluate trade-offs and synergies between biodiversity conservation and agricultural or clean energy development at large scales or to identify optimal areas for forest restoration to maximize ecosystem service provision and ecological connectivity.

After10 years of international research experience at institutions such as Monash University (Australia), the University of Melbourne (Australia), the Forest Science Center of Catalonia - CTFC - and the CREAF (Spain), the CATIE - Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (Costa Rica) and University of Toronto (Canada), I currently work in between the Biodiversity Change Lab and the ECOSPAT group at University of Lausanne on assessing the impacts of climate change on the biodiversity of glacial and periglacial landscapes across the Alps within the context of the PrioritICE Biodiversa+ project. I´m also a research associate at the Conservation Biology Division of the University of Bern (Switzerland) where I co-lead a project on the same topic, with a special focus on the potential impacts on biodiversity of future infrastructure development after glacial melting.


Camille Martinez Almoyina, Postdoctoral Researcher

My work aims to better understand how soil, plant and arthropod communities respond to global change in mountain areas, and how this affects ecosystem functions. To do this, I combine statistical models and eDNA with field observations. As a postdoctoral researcher in the Biodiversity Change group, I will be working on the influence of pastoralism on communities living on glacial margins, with the aim to propose conservation measures for these particular ecosystems.

Camille Vernier, Postdoctoral Researcher

Having studied mathematics up to my Master's degree and then going on to do a PhD in biology, I find myself at the frontier between the two disciplines. I'm particularly interested in conservation biology and the impact of climate change on biodiversity.

05/2024 - present Postdoctoral position in the MITEX project (University of Milan & University of Turin)

09/2019 - 02/2023   PhD in ecology, evolution and modelling on the collective motion of locusts (University of Montpellier)

03/2019 - 09/2019   Research Engineer on the development of statistical methods to detect pleiotropy (University of Pau)

09/2017 - 09/2018 Master degree in Mathematics and Biostatistics (University of Montpellier)

09/2013 - 08/2016 Bachelor's degree in Mathematics (University of Nantes)

Co-supervised with Dr. Ludovica Oddi.

Simone Balestra, Research assistant

I’m research assistant recently graduated at University of Milan with a master in environmental sciences.

My interests are focused on plant sciences, soils, and ecosystems. During my studies I had the opportunity to improve my knowledge of Natural Sciences and learn different research techniques.

My work is about the impact of spruce plantation on the native ecosystems of Italian Prealps. The study includes plants and arthropods samplings and field experiment of agroforestry to understand how native forest could be restored. I also worked as supervisor of two bachelor’s degree thesis on the same argument.

Currently, I'm study plant chemical diversity.

Vanessa Manuzi, Master student

After obtaining a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Science, I am now pursuing a Master’s in Biogeoscience at the University of Milan.

I am passionate about understanding the complexity of interactions within ecosystem communities and developing innovative conservation strategies.

My current thesis explores how alpine ecosystems are responding to global change. By combining field observations with eDNA data, I aim to investigate the impact of livestock grazing on communities within rapidly changing proglacial environments.

Anna Di Luca, Bachelor student

I am currently completing my studies in Natural Sciences at the University of Milan and working on my thesis which aims to analyze the role of natural selection agent in Swiss proglacial environments.

My interest focuses on understanding the different ecological conditions of proglacial environments due to deglaciation and how plant communities respond and adapt, with a particular interest in soil development.

Beatrice Magnaschi, Master student

After obtaining a bachelor’s degree in biological sciences at the University of Milan (Italy), where I became deeply fascinated by plants, I decided to continue my studies in plant biology. Now, I am completing my master’s in Plant Science through a joint program between the University of Grenoble and the University of Milan. 

My thesis project aims in investigating the impact of glacier retreat on pollination networks and plant phytochemical diversity. I am very excited to further fuel my understanding of plant ecology, especially in today’s fragile climatic context.


Camille Diethelm

MSc Biogeoscience, University of Neuchatel (05/2023–08/2024)

Then: Mountain guide

Elea Pierre

MSc Biodiversity, Ecology, and Conservation, University of Lausanne (06/2023–06/2024)

Then: Research assistant

Erica Ceresa

MSc Biogeoscience, University of Milan (06/2023–04/2024)

Then: Research assistant

Eugenio Reale

MSc Plant Science, University of Milan (03/2023–04/2024)

Then: PhD student

Matteo Conti

MSc Biodiversity and Evolution, University of Milan (03/202304/2024)

Then: Research assistant and teacher

Pietro Gatti

BSc Environmental Science, University of Milan (03/2023–12/2024)

Then: MSc student

Vanessa Manuzi

BSc Environmental Science, University of Milan (03/2023–10/2024)

Then: MSc student

Baptiste Loic Doussot

MSc Plant Science, University of Grenoble-Alpes (01/2023–06/2023)

Bao Ngan Tu

MSc Plant Science, University of Milan (09/2022–04/2023)

Then: PhD student

Lucia Mottet

BSc Environmental Science, University of Lausanne (07/2022–06/2023)

Then: Master student

Simone Balestra

BSc & MSc Natural Science, University of Milan (04/2022–10/2022)

Then: Research assistant

Cécile Charles

MSc Biogeosciences, University of Lausanne (03/2022–07/2023)

Then: Environmental consultancy

Luca Eiholzer

MSc Environmental Sciences, University of Lausanne (02/2022–09/2023)

Flavian Tschurr

MSc Agricultural Science, ETH Zurich (02/2019–08/2019)

Then: PhD student

Valeria Renna

BSc Environmental Science, ETH Zurich (02/2019–06/2019)

Then: Master student

Lara Gallmann

MSc Agricultural Science, ETH Zurich (01/2019–07/2019)

Then: Agroecology employee

Elizabeth Norton

MSc Environmental Science, University of Zurich (12/2016–12/2017)

Then: Botanic garden employee


Conservation biology, Stanford University, USA

Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Agricultural Ecology group, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Bascompte lab, University of Zurich, Switzerland

Ecology and Biogeochemestry of Coastal Systems , University of Bordeaux, France

Functional Ecology, Estación experimetal de zonas áridas, Spain

O'Brien Ecology for life, University Rey Juan Carlos, Spain

Plant Biology, University of Milan, Italy

Spatial Ecology, University of Lausanne, Switzerland

CREATE lab, EPFL, Switzerland

Plant Ecology, ETH Zurich

Como Lake Forest, Collettivo di quartiere

Terra Viva Como APS, Associazione di Promozione Sociale