
17–21 June 2024: Our group is organizing and presenting at the symposium "Vanishing habitats: opportunities and challenges for the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services in glacial and proglacial zones" at the European Conference of Conservation Biology, Bologna.

April 2024: Graduation of master students


4 March 2024: Gianalberto begins teaching Biodiversity, a new course designed for the MSc in Biodiversity & Evolution at University of Milan

24 February 2024: Public outreach event "Destins liés – les glaciers et leurs especès compagnes" at Salle de Cinéma of Evolene, 7 pm 

9 February 2024: Participation to the SWIFCOB 24 meeting

30 January 2024: Elea's defense

25 January 2024: Participation to the Swiss Renewable energy and Biodiversity workshop

18–19 January 2024: Presentations from various group members at Biology24, including a talk from Nora on plant functional diversity

17 January 2024: Congratulations to Cecile Charles for successfully defending her MSc thesis in Biogeosciences

16 January 2024: Gianalberto gave a keynote talk on biodiversity–climate interconnection at University of Neuchatel

15 January 2024: Gianalberto, Nora and Alejandra partecipated to the workshop "Séance d'échange entre les projets sur les marges proglaciaires en Valais" with the Service des forêts, de la nature et du paysage of Valais Canton

11 January 2024: Reetta Pirttilahti defended her M2 internship in Plant Sciences

12 Dicember 2023: Congratulations to Pietro Gatti  for graduating cum laude in BSc Environmental Sciences

1 Dicember 2023: Gianalberto joined the editorial board of Applications in Plant Sciences (American Botanical Society) as Associate Editor

1 Dicember 2023: MITEX project 'Mitigating socio-ecological impacts of glacier extinction' started

17–18 November 2023: Presentations at Swiss Geoscience Meeting

6–9 November 2023: Activities at 4EU+ Annual Meeting

19 October 2023: Congratulations to Vanessa Manuzi for graduating cum laude in BSc Environmental Sciences

20-22 September 2023: Presentation of "Active Learning in Plant Science" and group research activities at Plant Science Smyposium, Col du Lautaret, France

30 August: Keynote Talk by Gianalberto at AISASP meeting entitled "Gli effetti del riscaldamento globale sulle reti di impollinazione in ambienti periglaciali"

7 July 2023: Congratulations to Baptiste Doussot for successfully defending his MSc in Plant Science

4 July 2023: Congratulations to Lucia Mottet for obtaining her BSc in Geosciences and Environment

15 June–15 July 2023: Field research expedition in different glacier ecosystems (Valais, Switzerland)

19 April 2023: Congratulations to Ngan Bao Tu for succesfully defending her MSc thesis in Plant Science!

March 2023: Nora Khelidj is visiting Natasha de Vere lab at Copenhagen University during the coming six months

16–17 February 2023: Presentations at Biology 23 conference (Geneva, Switzerland)

29 November 2022: Art–Science talk: Transcidiscplinary perspectives on glacial ecologies @DOCK Basel (Switzerland)

18–20 November 2022: different poster presentations by Nora, Ngan, Cecile and Luca at the Swiss GeoScience meeting (Lausanne, Switzerland)

19 October 2022: Simone Balestra successfully defended his thesis! Congratulations to Simone for his 110 cum laude!

21–23 September 2022: Presentation of group research activities at PLANTA International, the symposium of Plant Science MSc (Col du Lautaret, France)

28 August – 2 September 2022: Organization of the conference session 'Loss of glaciers –  socio-ecological implications' at INTECOL22 (Geneva, Switzerland)

17 – 23 July 2022: Teaching the summer school 'Alpine Plant Life' supported by the Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center at Furka Pass (Switzerland)

10 June – 25 August 2022: Research expedition in Valais glacier ecosystems (Switzerland)

7 June 2022: Inauguration of the exhibition 'the echo of glaciers' with Sara Quatela and Matteo Pavana at the Trento Film Festival (Centro Tevi, Bozen, Italy)

31 May – 3 June 2022: Organization of Facilitation and Biodiversity–Ecosystem Functioning workshop at University of Lausanne, supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation

8 May 2022: Public talk and debate 'L'agroecologia come risposta possibile per un settore agricolo più sostenibile' at ECOLARIO festival (Como, Italy)

1 March – 25 May 2022: Organizing and teaching 'Plant Ecology' in MSc Biogeosciences at University of Milan (Italy) and MSc Plant Science with University of Grenoble Alpes (France)

17 – 18 February 2022: Talk 'The consequences of glacier retreat are uneven between plant species' at Biology22 conference (Basel, Switzerland)

15 February 2022: Keynote seminar 'Unveiling plant networks and their role in biodiversity maintenance' at CYBO (Conference of Young Botanists, Free University of Bozen, Italy)

11 February 2022: Public lecture 'Mutualismo ed effetti a cascata dell'estinzione dei ghiacciai' for Darwin Day at Natural History Museum of Milan (Italy)