Studying the impact of glacier retreat on biodiversity and ecosystem functions

Blogpost and video on our field campaign in Valais, summer 2023.

"Glaciers are the guardians of an entire ecosystem, and their disappearance caused by global warming will lead to a dramatic decline in biodiversity".

Intertwined Destinies:

glaciers and their companion species

Blog with Maëlle Cornut documenting our PolArt project

This ART-SCIENCE project is looking at the consequences of glacier extinction on ecosystems, analyzing the network of interactions between the intertwined organisms and glaciers. Through this joint research, Maëlle and Gianalberto exchange ideas and methods and reflect on their theoretical background including ecofeminism, decolonizing ecology, climate and environmental justice with the aim of translating scientific questions, results and implications into art work. 

the Echo of Glaciers

Exhibition by Sara Quatela and Matteo Pavana at Trento Film Festival.

Lo studio “Le conseguenze del ritiro dei ghiacciai non sono uguali per tutte le specie vegetali” è stato rielaborato dagli artisti attraverso la loro comune e sensibile interpretazione tanto per gli occhi quanto, soprattutto, per lo spirito dell’utente.

Le dieci specie prese in esame germogliano e fioriscono sui profili delle montagne, nelle tracce degli alpinisti, tra le crepe della neve e i corsi dei ruscelli. Illustrazione e fotografia si fondono per narrare la storia della montagna e del suo eco, che arriva fino a noi. 

Questo è stato il modo di Sara e Matteo di coglierlo, rielaborarlo e diffonderlo con la loro “voce”.

Environmental education

I conduct environmental education and am involved in a voluntary service program engaging underserved communities in Lombardy region, Italy. With the NGO 'TerraViva' associazione di promozione sociale and through the project 'Coltivare le Periferie' (financed by YouthBank, Fondazione Comasca onlus), kids, students, and young adults are engaged in agro-ecological laboratories as well as social activities aimed at supporting proactive, environmentally conscious citizens and equitable communities.