The Michigan Dogman

A half-man, half-dog cryptid

What is the Dogman?

"The cryptid is described as seven-feet tall, bright eyed, upright-walking canine with a human torso and terrifying howl that sounds like a human scream. " ~Doug Marrin

Figure 1.

First Sighting

The first recorded instance of the Michigan Dogman occurred in 1887 in Wexford County. Two men stationed in a lumber camp came across what they described as a large dog walking on two legs. While there have been no reported instances of a Michigan Dogman attack on humans, horses have been found that allegedly died of fright.

Figure 2.

Local or Global?

There are reports of Dogmen in folklore from around the world, dating back to ancient Egypt. In Europe, many witnesses have called them werewolves due to the human movements the creature makes. According to Dogman researcher, Steve Palace, there are more Dogman sightings than bigfoot sightings, see Figure 2.

Figure 3.


One of the most notable sightings come from Ray Greenway in 1986 in Manistee. Ray saw a pair of glowing yellow eyes high off the ground in the distance. Whatever it was immediately ran away and leaped clear across the road. Ray recounts, "I saw both eyes, as if it was looking at me, the whole time. That, along with the leaping ability, is what I will never forget."

More recently, in 2011, two friends were playing basketball at night on the ice when they began to hear a howling that seemed to be getting closer. The boys ran inside and locked the house up. When they looked out their window, the boys saw a large, doglike face. One of the friends captured the experience on video.

Also on this video is a 2006 Onstar recording of a man and his wife whose car was run off the road by what the man describes as "a great big dog, standing up."

Dogman in Popculture

The story of the Dogman is so popular, radio station WTCM actually created a song about it simply titled "The Legend."

There was also a movie made about the Dogman in 2012 called "Dogman."

Figure 1Title: "dogman"Creator: "ShelbyMIdmLove" Subject: "Michigan Dogman"Description: "Artist rendition of a Dogman"Coverage: "Michigan" Resource type: "Image"Format: "JPEG"Language: "English" Source: ""
Figure 2Title: "Dogman Sightings Virginia and Delaware"Creator: "The Cloaked Hedgehog" Subject: "Michigan Dogman"Description: "World map of Reported Dogman Sightings"Coverage: "Global" Resource type: "Image"Format: "JPEG"Language: "English" Source: ""
Figure 3Title: "Manistee Dogman"Creator: "Doug Marrin" Subject: "Michigan Dogman"Description: "Photo of possible Michigan Dogman sighting in Manistee, MI"Coverage: "Manistee, MI" Resource type: "Image"Format: "JPEG"Language: "English" Source: ""
Video 1Title: "Michigan Dogman Werewolf Video Footage"Creator: "soccer1001A" Subject: "Michigan Dogman"Description: "Video evidence of the Michigan Dogman, also an Onstar recording of a sighting"Coverage:" Michigan" Resource type: "Video"Format: "MP4"Language: "English" Source: ""
Video 2Title: The Legend of Dogman Song"Creator: "Bob FarleySubject: "Michigan Dogman"Description: "Lyric Video of Bob Farley's ''The Legend'" "Coverage:" Michigan" Resource type: "Video"Format: "MP4"Language: "English" Source: ""
Video 3Title: "Dogman (2012) Trailer"Creator: "Brauer Productions"Subject: "Michigan Dogman"Description: "Trailer for Dogman (2012) "Coverage:" Michigan" Resource type: "Video"Format: "MP4"Language: "English" Source: ""