
Who we are: We are five grad students who like haunted history and ghost stories.

What we are doing: We are making an archive for those who share our passion for Michigan ghost stories and the supernatural tales. By making this archive accessible we hope to teach others about a local ghost stories from historical Michigan sites.

When this archival site created: This site was created in fall 2018 as part of a project for understanding records and archives in a class at the University of Michigan School of Information.

Location: We are located in Michigan and our school is located in Ann Arbor.

Why we created this archive: We are all ghost story and supernatural enthusiasts who wanted to share some of our favorite stories. We chose this topic to shine a spooky spotlight on local communities through their ghostly history. Every town has some sort of haunted history or urban legend. These stories in many ways keep people interested in many communities with great tales to tell. A small or thriving community may have a history/haunted walking/bus tour to educate the public about their history. We've found that throughout the years this has developed into a way to attract tourism and revenue. We consider this a great way to keep a community thriving and bring in money when they would otherwise be forgotten or ignored. These stories are what keep people interested and help preserve the history of the town/community for visitors and future generations. We agreed that the attraction of these stories was what drew us to these communities and decided to see what we could find in Michigan.

Below, please find the slides to our class presentation which will give you more insight into the archival concepts we used, technical difficulties we encountered, and why we chose the stories we did, among other things.

SI 580- Project Presentation