
1927 photo

Reshoot 2004

Google Earth 2018

Figure 1

The river was the most full in 1927 this can be seen as all 4 sections of the river (figure 1) are much wider than they are in 2004 and and in 2018. Based on the photo's it can be presumed that the most amount of water was going through the river in 1927 as Channels 1 2 and 3 are all about twice the size they are in 2004 and in 2018. Another difference between 1927 and 2004 river is the islands that are in the center of the main stream of the river. In 1927 there is only one island that is off to the right, in 2004 there are multiple island that are in the center and right of the river. This could be because there is a lower volume of water traveling through the river in 2004 compared to 1927.

Between 2004 and 2018 there has not been many dramatic changes in the river, although In 2004 there does seem to be slightly more water traveling through the river compared to 2018.

Table Data


Standard Deviation

= 11381.2169

% SD = 203.96446


When looking at an annual maximum event series vs. an annual average series its expected that the Max flood events will have higher volumes of discharge than the average streamflow. The percent standard deviation is 52.1 for the peak streamflow but only 24.3 for the average streamflow. This difference is most likely a result the skew of the distribution that the 1927 flood has had on the data, with an outlier of streamflow of 113000 ft3/s. Another reason for the differences in the data is because the Peak discharge is being compared to annual averages which, in name average out the data for the year, meaning that max discharge values or min discharge values are not in the data set, only averages.