All Club Information

Club Information

This section shows the basics of club life and also helpful links to create a club!

Policies in Club Life

Policy for Reservations

Please reserve tables, sporting equipment at least 2 weeks in advance.  If you will need a vendor rental we request at least 1 month to ensure successful payment. 

Policy for Food/Drink Orders/Pickups

Please request food and drink at least 2-3 weeks in advance.  OSLE Staff will place the order but it will be the club’s responsibility to pick up the order.

Communication with Staff Policies

Please use professional language and practices when emailing Vendors, OSLE Staff, GSBA, and other faculty and staff.  Please be mindful of communication during business hours unless an emergency arises.  

Community Meeting Attendance

We highly encourage and recommend at least one Exec member attend each of these weekly meetings and share notes with your team on a regular basis. 

Club Fair

This is a required event for all clubs.  You will need to have a table, at least 1-2 team members present, and an interactive experience.  Have specific information regarding your club, meetings, potential events, and how you can be reached. Clean up after yourselves at the end of the event. 

SWAG Request

You will want to begin the request form at least two months in advance.  The link can be found on the GSBA Link Tree.  No requests are guaranteed, it is dependent on how the club is using their budget. SWAG is for everyone and not just the executive board (eboard).  

Event Expectations

At least 1 social event (Per Semester) 

At least 1 education event (Per Semester) 

Volunteering Event (Optional)

At least 2 collaborations (not an additional event, just within planned events (Per Semester) 

How to plan a successful club event


The first step of doing a event is who is doing the event. By knowing who you can then know your audience!


 What is the event? What is happening at the event? Why is it happening? What is the purpose of the event?


When is the event? What is the predicted attendance? What is the audience? Guilford College Calendar & Athletics How will the event flow? What day is the event (Weekday, Holiday, and Weekends) 


Location? Outside or Inside? On campus or off campus? Does the location suite the event title? Do we have a rain location?


The purpose of the event. How does this better community? How will this event make other feel?

Last step 

Submitting the event to the event proposal form that way OSLE can help support the club or organization with purchasing supplies and so fourth!

Event Proposal Form

Flyer Information

If you wish to hang a flyer a single copy needs to be stamped and approved by the OSLE Director or Assistant Director.  

To get the most attendance please have these approved two-three weeks in advance.

Disclaimer flyers must not be placed on doors or windows as it's a hazard and will be removed by staff. 

Event Promotion please fill out the following forms below!

GSBA Flyer Promotion

OSLE What's The G

What should be included in an invoice?

The word 'Invoice' should be clearly identifiable as the document type on the document itself...

A unique invoice number. ...

Your company name and address. ...

The company name and address of the customer. ...

A description of the goods/services. ...

The date of supply. ...

The date of the invoice. ...

The amount of the individual goods or services to be paid.

Budget Information

How to read the budget sheet

Follow the arrows for the meaning of each step

1. This is the title of your club.

2. This is your club code number and will be used on req forms.

3. This is where you list each budget item purchased from the req form. The link to the item is not needed.

4. This is where you put the total cost of the item. Not the unit cost if ordered more than one of an item.

5. This tab list is for an aberrated name of the event. This way you can seperate your purchases.

6. Remember to date each event

7. Please list the title of your event or the reason why supplies were bought.

8. This is the balance. Please be aware of your remaining balance as well.

How to read the req form

Req form #1 - Small orders 

1. Please type an X to mark which place the form is needed to be sent. For small orders pick Other

2. Include club name

3. Include club number

4. Include the date and date needed for the order

5. Include OSLE staff or your advisor. Whoever that holds the Pcard

6. Include the item name

7. Link to where to buy the item

8. How many of the item

9. The unit price

10. the full cost of the item

11. Make sure the item total is correct before you share with your advisor or OSLE!

Req form #2 - Working With vendors

1. This gets sent to Accounts Payable or the Purchasing Dept. Pre Payment if paid in advance and Purchase order if it's not in advance. 

2. Fill out the following vendor information

3. Make sure the total is right

How to start a new club

When creating a club it must be a club that guilford doesn't offer and club that helps the community grow.

Any questions or concerns about starting a club please email the following - and or 

To start a club you must have the following completed below.