Heritage Rooms


The Heritage Rooms continue to be used for arts, crafts, and heritage and educational purposes.   

There are two rooms available for use. The main hall is the larger of the two and can accommodate groups of up to 60.  The smaller room which also houses the kitchen facilities can accommodate smaller groups of up to 20.  There is level access throughout the Heritage Rooms and toilet facilities are suitable for all having been upgraded with a grant from the Big Lottery Fund 'Awards for All' in 2016.  There is ample parking.

The Heritage Rooms are available for hire: contact the booking secretary, email: thomasgarrettbookings@gmail.com

Groups regularly meeting in the Heritage Rooms


Heighington Art Group

More Than Fluff: feltmaking

Art Group


Circle Dance

Sing for Joy


Lincoln Willow

Stitch Club

Pop Up Tearoom

St Thomas' Chapel Coffee Morning

Occasional Users include:

Artisan Market; Blooming Crafty; Branston U3A; Penfold Players; Association of Plumbers; Lincoln Ukulele Band; "Bailgate" Stitch Group (Embroiderer's Guild); Mother's Union; Heighington Christmas Market Committee.

Main Hall in the Heritage Rooms