
Car Boot & Table Top Sale June 2024

Garrett's Charity stall

Garrett's Charity stall

Aluminium Can Recycling Scheme

Garrett's Charity has signed up to an aluminium can recycling scheme to raise funds.  Aluminium is endlessly recyclable.  Increasing the proportion of cans recycled is a significant environmental benefit and at the same time we have the opportunity to use the funds generated to support our key village facility.

Collection bins have been installed at the Heritage Rooms and in the foyer of the Jubilee Hall, Heighington.

Grand Prize Draw 2023

1st Prize 2023

1st Prize for 2023 is a Piglet garden sculpture carved from elm by local sculptor Nigel Sardeson.

Advance tickets went on sale in September.  Garrett's Charity Trustees ably helped by members of the Friends of the Garrett's Charity will be selling tickets from their stall at Heighington Christmas Market on Sunday 3rd December.  Come and find us beside the Heritage Rooms and pop inside to browse the hand made gifts on sale on the stalls in the Heritage Rooms - or grab a coffee and sing along with Penfold Players.

The draw will be made towards the end of the afternoon and all prizewinners notified within a few days.

2nd Prize Garden Figurine

Luxury Hamper

Selection of prizes

More prizes

Arts and Crafts Exhibition October 2023

The Friends of the Garrett's Charity hosted another Arts and Crafts Exhibition in October 2023.  In all there were 92 items submitted for  display: a small selection is shown above.  The event proved very popular and over £260 was raised.

A wonderful social event with lots of coffee and cake.

Friends and Trustees hard at work.

Heighington Scarecrow Festival August 2023

The Scarecrow Festival in August 2023 took place across the villages of Heighington, Washingborough and Branston.  Once again the Management Committee invited Friends of Garrett's Charity to submit their wooden spoon scarecrows for display on the railings outside the Heritage Rooms.  Each year the cast is growing!  Thank you to the Friends of the Garrett's Charity for organising the display.

Car Boot Sale June 2023

The Trustees hosted a Car Boot Sale in June 2023 in conjunction with the Friends of the Garrett's Charity. We were blessed with a glorious day and raised over £320 towards the upkeep of our community buildings.

Prize Draw 2022

Grand Prize Draw 2022

The first prize was a willow garden sheep sculpture woven by one of regular hirers, Alison Walling of Lincolnshire Willow.   Advance ticket sales exceeded £700 and Dolly proved such an attraction at the Heighington Christmas Market on 28th November that the total raised came to £1200.  As in previous years all prizes were donated.  A small selection are shown below.

Arts and Crafts Exhibition October 2022

Scarecrow Festival 2022

Prize Draw 2021

The Grand Prize Draw  2021. 

1st Prize: Stone Cast Lincoln Imp donated by a former stonemason at Lincoln Cathedral.   

There were lots of other prizes and a small selection appears in the photographs below.  All were donated therefore all proceeds went directly to the Charity.   A total of £1100 was raised

August 2021 Village Scarecrow Trail

Introducing Thomasina...

Groups using the Thomas Garrett Heritage Rooms were delighted to join in with the Scarecrow Trail which was staged across the villages of Heighington and Washingborough during the final week of August 2021.  Organised jointly by the two Parish Councils, there were over 30 scarecrows in each village.  It provided a lot of fun after such a difficult eighteen months and was a great example of community spirit.

Constructed by the Management Committee of the Friends of the Garrett's Charity with contributions from the following groups:

Geppetto and his little friend Canochio

Heighington Wood Carvers showcased their skills with this friendly fellow complete with four legged friend.